In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Geoff Wicks
>Most political commentators have pencilled in 3rd May for the General
>Election, foot and mouth permitting. I have set up a short web page for the
>You can download my election analysis program, which was reviewed in the
>February Quanta Newsletter.
>This program contains the 1997 result for the main parties in England,
>Scotland and Wales and has numerous national and regional analysis
>possibilities including graphics. Also an interactive political map. It is
>possible to translate almost any opinion poll into seats.
>In the 1992 election this program predicted the final result more accurately
>than the BBC and ITV computers. Almost certainly a fluke, but nice to boast

Without revealing too many secrets :-) how does it work ?

Are you saying that the user is able to input new political data and get
different forecasts out ?

Malcolm Cadman

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