>I am now looking for a method that allows me to interrogate the SCREEN width
>and depth(ie not an opened channel width & depth - which I can easily get
>from the channel definition block), but those defined as being the maximum
>allowable for any channel being opened to the screen (ie CON_ or SCR_).
>I know that SMSQ has a function to return something like what I want, but I
>would still like the program to run on the original black box QLs as well -
>without having two versions of the program.
>Anyone got any ideas ?
Surely Black box QLs will only run at 512 x 256 and in four colours.
Therefore a simple test for SMSQ/E using VER$ will tell if SMSQ/E is
running or not. If it is you can use scr_xlim and scr_ylim and if not
your know the screen size. - or is that too simplistic ?

Roy Wood
Q Branch
20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex BN41 2LB
Tel : +44(0)1273-386030 / Mobile : +44 (0) 7836-745501 
Fax +44 (0)1273-381577 
web site : http://www.qbranch.demon.co.uk/

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