In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>> Seriously though, the more I think about this, the more I think Claus
>> is right, such problems are best dealt with privately off list,
>> although if you have a non-QL problem which affects your QLing (and I
>> think this falls into that category) there is nothing wrong with
>> begging help here in the first place, as long as the correspondence
>> stays off list, with perhaps only one _relevant_ summary posted here.
>Good idea! It could be a mixture of netiqette and hints on how to use
>certain email programs when mailing to this list.

Also that we have a generalised list on ql-users, and not sections of
interests and needs.
>> Once soql is complete, I daresay we can banish OE and other 2 letter
>> words from this list.

My understanding is that soql, although not fully complete, is in a
working form.  More a matter of other software authors building up on it
with the style of software that we are familar with on other platforms
... like 'emailers' :-)

>I am really looking forward to this.
>Just imagine: booting 10 seconds, dialing in and getting your emails.
>Easier than walking to your mail-box. I am tired of booting Linux.

What ? ... the 'sacred' Linux has problems too :-)

Malcolm Cadman

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