Hi all,
back AT LAST and with a TRUCK LOAD of messages to read :-) (You've been 
busy huh?)
First of all a Happy New Year to everyone and 100 New Years to our QLs :-)
I'm just beginning to recover from a MAJOR crash (hehe Windows :-) which 
left me with no computer for about 2 weeks more or less...
The lesson? (As in the Subject line...) NEVER EVER EVER downgrade from 
Windows NT/2K to Windows ME... I did it after I bought my last mainboard a 
little while back and I ended up without my main QXL.WIN file (which means 
ALL of my PFF fonts are gone... (Not for long I am building them again) ALL 
of my work on the GUI routines gone bye-byes (hehe Pennsylvanian English 
DON'T SHOOT) and my computer a mess). At least I didn't lose the new Q40 
website (at LAST Peter.... hold on you'll get it in a couple of days 
amended as per Claus' wishes and with the new stuff you put in (I just read 
your email concerning Q60 production... Congrats ! )

Some news....
I have the first definite Win version of Malcolm Lear's BMP2PIC (I'll send 
the download link to anybody that wants it)

Also if Dilwyn wants to put up the version I sent him a little while 
back..... Please do so :-)

  (Caution: it exists in two versions: One with complete setup and all VB6 
runtimes plus a couple more dlls and one without (for the ones that already 
have another VB program). Also full source code for anyone that wants it.

Features this version: 1. EXTREMELY fast conversion (Uses Text methods 
instead of Binary input since VB's binary import is worse than Lbytes on an 
unexpanded QL ;-)))) )
2. More tight checks than M.L's QL counterpart
3. Full GUI

New Features (I already have the sources but need some work and I haven't 
gotten around re-installing Visual Studio):

1. Batch convert
2. Conversion regardless of Source>Target Resolution match..... (In short 
if the output resolution is higher, there will be a border around (with 
custom colour thank you very much ;-) and if it's smaller it will be cropped
3. Conversion (and batch as well) to Mode 4 (I amended Malcolm's code to 
create files for higher resolutions as well (see also above)
4. Auto renaming on clashing filenames
5. Connection with my HTML Web catalog maker so it will be able to convert 
a catalog for use with "The Reader"  ;-))))  (BTW: The SMSQ version is 
coming up nicely allthough I got stuck in the absurd amount of variables 
needed. (The PC version uses more or less 550 variables !!!! (And these are 
only the global ones)
6. Help :-))))

I also have some questions for the nth time(This is getting long I know but 
Nasta is away, therefore someone has to be long in this list :-) ) 
concerning the Q40/60 high colour modes format. In short in order to make 
the BMP2PIC program work with Q40 I'll need the internal format (once more 
I know :-))) unless BGIMAGE does that automa(ti)(gi)cally ?????


Have a happy new year and....(In heavy Austrian Accent)

I'll be BACK! (soon)


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