} Silly question from a hardware ignoramus :
} what is a 6 layer (or 4 layer) board ?
} I suspect it is to do with the track layour, but all the boards I ever used
} were 'double sided' = 2 layer ???
} Your in ignorance,
} Norman.
} PS. Be gentle when you reply !

Well, you can also have track inside !
Think of the board as a sandwich.
There is two side per slice of bread.

Therefore, you can have the simple sandwich: 1 slice of bread, 2 layers.
There is also a sandwich with 2 slice of bread (separated by your favorite
ham): 4 layers.
Things like big-mac, with 3 slice of bread: 6 layers!
and so on.
Of course, the more layers, the more expensive to manufacture!!!
Therefore, a manual routing with 4 layers is far better than
autorouting with 6 layers! 

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