On  Thu, 14 Mar 2002 at 09:26:51,  wrote:
(ref: <H0000b5f122c22a6.1016098010.ln4p1327.ldn.swissbank.com@MHS>)

>> What I did on the I/O cards that passed through me was remove
>> the metal
>> locating strip, and file the cutouts which screwed onto the D plugs so
>> that the card sat lower onto the board sockets.
>I loosened the nuts and found enough play in the metal strip to be able
>to slide it a couple of millimetres which was all it needed; however
>the remaining problem is the card doesn't sit close enough to the slots
>in the back panel to be able to screw it down without pulling on it to
>line it up with the screw hole. When I do that I can see the tension
>lifting the mainboard.  That is probably because the stand-off at the
>far end of the mainboard isn't high enough. For the time being I've
>left the card unscrewed so it can find its own position. It is clamped
>in place by the overlapping head of the screw holding the blank plate
>covering the slot below.  It's all back in the case now and was running
>lastnight for a couple of hours without problems.  I'll have to make
>sure I'm very careful when I try connecting a printer to the parallel

Great - looks like the real problem is found.
Sounds like your case is way out of spec.
Maybe a case for moving the studs a few mm nearer the back.  I assume
the misalignment is not enough to warrant drilling all new holes?
Maybe a very small cylindrical file would do the job - to make oval
looking holes:
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