On  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 at 16:11:04,  wrote:
(ref: <H0000b5f1226ff94.1015863062.ln4p1327.ldn.swissbank.com@MHS>)

>> >That sounds pretty horrible to me :o(
>> I repeat....
>> This is _exactly_ how the chips are designed.
>> They have the same pin layout as the GC/SGC memory chips, but are
>> longer.
>> Not horrible in the slightest (8-)#
>It's a chip package I've never encountered before; I accept the pin
>layout is as designed.
Sorry - I assumed you had been through the QL/GC/SGC route.

>No, they are not horrible, they are exquisite (perhaps they are even
>available in a range of pretty colours) ;O)  :)
No - only black (8-)#

>Quick question on a related matter while I'm here:
>How can I make an ATX PSU supply power to the Q40 with its normal
>mainboard connector disconnected, i.e. not receiving its wakeup signal?
Connect PS-ON pin to GND.  You could be clever  and replace the existing
power momentary switch with an AT type switch.

Here is the layout with 'normal' colours:

3vDC3.3v sense  11      O/brown         1       orange  +3.3V
-12vDC          12      Blue            2       orange +3.3V
GND             13      Black           3       black   GND
PS-ON           14      Green           4       red     +5V
GND             15      Black           5       black   GND
GND             16      Black           6       Red     +5v
GND             17      Black           7       Black   GND
-5V             18      white           8       Grey    Power OK
+5V             19      red             9       purple  +5V SB
+5V             20      red             10      yellow  +12V

If formatting is upset, copy to an editor.  I have used TABS so all
should line up.

        QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
 tony@<surname>,demon.co.uk  http://www.firshman.demon.co.uk
      Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
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