Roy Wood wrote:

>Distribution of executables for free was always forbidden.

Not true. I refer to the official statement made in public, not to the 
secrets of your meeting. The fact that it was not forbidden in the 
beginning, was a reason why some developers considered to work under this 
"license" at all! Some developers may still have missed this change.

***  Distribution of executables for free was *not* forbidden in the first 
official statement! This has changed and caused severe implications on the 
availability of non-commercial work.  ***

>You knew about the meeting and were going to come but decided not to.

You mislead the public here. I became sick with influenza, staying in bed 
all week, another person was known to be on vacation, TT was not attending, 
and D&D Systems was not invited. Also I was not informed the Eindhoven 
meeting was to *decide* anything. I would never expect such a meeting 
without TT.

Just by the way, my hearing is not well enough to completely follow a such 
a complicated negotiation in *spoken* English.

>Fine. Develop it. Get it accepted as an authorised version. Sell it for 10 
>Euros or give it away for free. Just pay TT 10 Euros for each one sold. No 

Unfortunately the license doesn't say that. Can I have this statement, 
without additions that make it void, from the "registrar", and guarantees 
it won't change in the future ???

A large problem would still remain: My *person* is no guaranty to 
non-commercial developers. I can get sick, or whatever. Their rights should 
be in the *license*. If they are not, I can hardly expect them to work for 

>These two comments smack of paranoia. [...]
>All of this is yet more paranoia.

All the statements I made are clearly given by the "license". If you want 
something else than the "license" says, change the liscense. I will be very 
happy to admit that you are right, then. There are extremly strict 
conditions to ensure everything *you* want. Why not rights for 
non-commercial development as well?

>That is something we have been discussing. [...] We all decided [...]

This and other remarks suggest repeatedly that you participate in 
*decisions* about the "license". So it is not just the "registar" and TT. 
Is this correct?

Have you paid *more* for SMSQ/E development than I have, so *you* have the 
right to participate in decisions about SMSQ/E, and I have not?


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