----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QTYP

> On 13 Jun 2002, at 19:45, Geoff Wicks wrote:
> (...)
> > and investigating
> > possible QTYP bugs with Dietrich Buder get further delayed.
> This is typically the kind of bug I like to get my teeth into, so why
> don't you let me know the problem?

I am surprised you have time for anything given the battering you have had
in the last couple of weeks.

The emails with Dietrich go back to the end of last year. He is writing a
German QTYP dictionary and reported that above a certain size the file
becomes corrupted. At first, possibly because of limitations in my German
and Dietrich's English, I could not fully understand what he was describing.
He then kindly wrote his emails in both German and English and I could
follow what he was saying.

Basically after a certain size, which is somewhere around 100,000 words, the
QTYP_DED program "corrupts" the dictionary in that it does not change in
size when new words are added, and when you attempt to reload it to add yet
more words you get an "Invalid Dictionary" error message. I put "corrupt"
between inverted commas because if you expand the dictionary the new words
are still there and the word list itself is not corrupt. You can make a
valid dictionary using the expanded word list. The corruption seems to be in
QTYP internally recognising that new words have been added.

I needed to do a lot of testing to explore the problem further, but did not
have the time. There were also a few other problems that Deitrich mentioned.

I can send you all Dietrich's email privately, but I am not sure how long it
will take to get these together.

> > QLib/EasyPTR allows you to make some professional looking programs.
> > It's just a pity that the latter is such a b*gg*r to learn. TurboPTR
> > is worth looking at as an alternative.
> Just a (probably pretty stupid) question: is there anything that
> stops you using TurboPTR with Qlib?

This is probably a stupid answer, but I don't know! Basically TurboPTR does
a similar job to Easy Menu in the EasyPTR suite. When you have designed your
menu you can write a pointer program that can be compiled using Turbo, which
was the point in writing TurboPTR.

I never got beyond experimenting with TurboPTR. I tried adapting the menu of
Spelling Crib using TurboPTR, but came across numerous problems, mainly
because of overlapping windows. George addressed many of the problems. I
then intended to write something simpler from scratch to test TurboPTR, but
could not decide what to do, and eventually other priorities came in the
way. I was a poor beta tester and George was very patient with me!

Geoff Wicks

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