> I still get problems that puzzle me, however. My new program
contains a lot
> of sprites. If I call a sprite using SPRW and its name, it works the
> time I call it but not the second and subsequent times. The secret
is to use
> SPRA to find its address and then call it using SPRW and the
address. There
> are lots of little things like this in EasyPTR that can make it
> particularly for the beginner.
> Geoff Wicks
You're lucky. My Launchpad program uses sprites extensively and by and
large I can't get them to work at all by name (assigning icons to
program launching items and so on) any time, let alone first time.
Like you, I had to resort to calling them by address rather than name.
There are some other aspects of Easyptr which rely on this too.

Not all of these are of Easyptr's making. Yes, there are some obscure
foibles in little used Easyptr extensions but it's been around long
enough to be reasonably debugged. One of the problems is that it's to
some extent dependent on what the OS or PE does when it calls them to
do something. From my experience, a job might seem like it's locked up
at an Easyptr function but in fact, tracing it, it got stuck somewhere
in calls to WMAN or something else because the version of WMAN
concerned did something different to another version on which Easyptr
worked fine. By and large, name handling is one problem, calling
sprites by name is often not a good idea as you have found out.
Replacing items in an Append file is another good way of making an
Easyptr application go belly up.
Dilwyn Jones

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