On 27 Jun 2002, at 23:40, P Witte wrote:
> The sources dont appear to be quite complete. Either they contain too
> many files or to few, as there are unresolvable references. I suspect
> the first great challenge for the uninitiated will be to get them into
> shape. I can just imagine 50 individuals poring over the sources, all
> beavering away at re-inventing the same wheel in their own way... For
> part-timers like me some kind of order would be quite useful so I
> could worry about the bits I could do something with and forget about
> the rest.

Well, what I'll do is try to get them in shape.
As mentioned, I haven't even looked at the sources yet, but I will 
definitely have a look this weekend.

All the sources sent out till now were sent "as is". I'll try to impose 
some order, after all ,that is part of my job as registrar. If you want, 
send me back the CD - I did record this as a multisession thing, 
and can re-record over them. With a bit of luck, in a few weeks, I'll 
be able to present the sources as a QXL.WIN file for those who 
want them, readily compilable (hey, a bit of optimism....)


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