In a message dated 29/06/02 11:01:00 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It is also a feature of qmac that it cannot, afaik, use relative offsets for
include files. Gwass can, but then there may be other issues (like
sections)? Perhaps George can let us know whether Gwass can assemble and
link SMSQ as it stands? Alternatively, Phil Borman may be interested in
up-dating/grading qmac (also wrt the 680x0 instruction set)? Does anyone
here have contact with him?

I would be surprised if GWASS couldn't assemble SMSQ. I sometimes use Qmac on code written for GWASS and, by and large, it works. However, proof of the pudding is in the eating. If someone were to send me a section of SMSQ I could try GWASS on it. You do need a 68020+ of course. This means a Q40, Q60 super Gold Card or QXL.


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