On  Thu, 15 Aug 2002 at 16:37:15, AGClarke wrote:
(ref: <000b01c24471$f41f9960$df998cd4@garystosh>)

>    On my laptop using qpc2v3, I cannot get it to connect to my modem
>as it cannot find ser3.
>    On my aurora machine it connects to my modem and logs on but the
>input to my screen is not readable.
I have split this thread, as looks like (maybe) separate problems.
Aurora machine:

1) What software are you using?
2) Logs on to what?  .... & what do you mean by 'logs on'?
3) 'screen not readable' - does this mean you are seeing something but
cannot read it?  If so what are you seeing?

It would help to have a detailed step by step description of what you

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