On  Fri, 6 Sep 2002 at 11:33:55,  wrote:

>Quiet in here innit?  Did everyone OD on Guinness at/after the QL show
>and still suffering the mothers of all hangovers??  ;O)
What - all seven of us (8-)#
>Can somebody enlighten me as to what a Qubide hard disk is?  Is it a
>special hardware unlike a normal IDE disk and only available from one
>supplier?  Is it a normal disk but supplied with some unique low level
Neither - just a std IDE with absolutely any data on it.
I have even used qubide to zap a disk that had a corrupted sector zero,
and crashed the PC on power up!
>I tried to partition a harddisk using the partition_exe program from
>the qub156.zip.  The disk had been partitioned previously but they had
>all been deleted using a Linux fdisk.
>The partition_exe program detected the disk device but complained when
>trying to create a partition that it was not a Qubide disk.  Is some
>other preparation procedure needed to turn a normal IDE disk into a
>Qubide one?
Have you LRESPRed the _rext file?

Does the harddisk get recognised after this?

That should be all that is needed, I think, for partition_exe to work.

Formatting is done under partition_exe (after the partitioning of
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