I am led to understand that this is the most communicative Mr T has been
in many years. I am flattered that my return to the scene has had such an
impact :o)     <=- *chuckle*

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, TonyTebby wrote:

> One of the registrar's jobs is to ensure that the modifications are
> properly recorded.

I propose that a web page be set up, with a simple table on it. This table
would simply name every SMSQ module in the left column, and in successive
columns to the right, list the characteristics/changes for each system.

EG: [fixed width best here, and these are made up examples]

             Standard    CG/SGC         Q40         Q60       etc
Driver A        1.26      1.26a        1.32        1.32
                      Changed X   Changed Y   Changed Z

Driver B

and etc.

This way people can see shanges and status in the development tree. Also,
those who store SMSQ in flash could update the laterst modules, with
appropriate software.

Just a suggestion (because this makes the structure of the OS much clearer
to me)


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