In a message dated 19/11/02 01:17:14 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

> > No. You would be in control of all relevant UPloads to the site.
> Will that be such a good idea? I can already see people protesting
> that I have too much control over what is happening on the website.

You already have a lot of control ;) Only if that control is shown to be
beneficial, efficient and fair will it have any meaning. Openness will
provide continuous proof of that as well as many other benefits. A
web-based framework as I have sketched seems to answer. However
there is little point in discussing this further as neither I nor you are
going to put this into practise, and no one else seems interested in even
discussing the matter. No skin of my nose. Ill go along with any plan
that does the job.

Sorry for not adding my two-penneth before...

I agree that a site (password protected) for people developing SMSQ/E and systems based on it would be of great benefit to the community.  At the moment, there are several people with the source code, and it is impossible to know who is doing what with it.  For all we know, there could be 3 people trying to tackle the problem of filenames on their own.

Some form of forum is required where all those interested can detail what they are working on and bugs/problems found which need to be rectified.

However, the question arises as to who will maintain the site.  Any of the developers should be able to upload files to the site, including new web-pages, new parts of the operating system etc (although the latter would have to be kept in a separate "beta" area)..  However, Wolfgang should be the only person who can upload the current SMSQ/E sources etc...

> >
> > > NOT saying that this is a bad thing but it will mean that
> > > development will be made on a more ad hoc basis. As the software
> > > registrar, with a mission to try to keep unified versions where
> > > possible (and thus, trying to steer the thing a bit), that must leave
> > > me with fixed feelings, of course since my power to influence
> > > things will be diminished (if it ever existed). But again, if this
> > > the community, I have no problems with it
> >
> > I think the best you can ever hope for is to have some control over the
> > integrity of the sources.
> Which I won,'t if you can exchange them that easily. Again, I'm not
> saying this because I want absolute control over the sources, butif I
> don't have any, we can all forget the registrar...

I agree with Wolfgang on this - that is why only he should be able to upload the official sources onto the site..  It should be agreed by all developers that beta versions on the site will not be used until submitted to the registrar (either as a binary or source code).


Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
35 Chantry Croft, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JH
TEL: 01977 610509

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