Hi all,

As you may know, I've had a bulletin board up for QL users for some time.
It was always called the "QL Developer's Board" and maybe now is the time
to put it to its proper use.

I will be refreshing the categories and subject headings, and plan to be
highly flexible about it.

I also propose to include 'consumer' info there, the kind of things I want
to know, like who the key resellers and developers are, and what they're
working on.

This is where the people on this list come in.

You'll be the people most likely to use it, and I really want it to meet
your expectations, which may be quite different to mine.

So, what sections do you want? And what can I change about the site?

The main site is at ql.spodmail.com
The board is at ql.spodmail.com/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi

Also, if you'd like to do anything SMSQ-related and want it hosted, I can
help with that too.

Suggestions most welcome.


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