François Lanciault makes some magical things to make me read
} With ProWesS, the COMPLETE code to write a 'Hello World' program in its 
} own movable window is :
} #include "ProWesS_h"
} void init()
} {
}     PWObject window;
}     PWCreate(NULL,&window,PW_TYPE_LOOSE_ITEM,
}               PW_LOOSE_TEXT, "Hello World",
}               NULL);
}     PWActivate(window);
} }
} I have been telling everyone that ProWesS is much simpler than 
} QPTR/EasyPTR but nobody seems to care...

It's just a bit too complex to enter and I cannot use Prowess for my sprite 
Moreover, in the "Hello world",  overruling the default C68 init() function is rather 
agressive, IMHO.

I will think of Prowess again for my traditional little games, once I have solved my 
current trouble with compiling SMSQ/E..., at least as exercices for my discovery of 

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