Dilwyn Jones makes some magical things to make me read
} > >SOme work is definitely needed on Easyptr and so on to help them
} make
} > >the most of GD2. What is surprising is that if you create a program
} in
} > >compiled BASIC with Easyptr 3 and mode 4 sprites etc it actually
} works
} > >in mode 32 on QPC anyway.
} >
} > It doesn't on Qx0... The graphics get all garbled... but that's not
} your fault of
} > course :-) Maybe if you could use sprted by Jerôme???
} >From what I gather, it could be due to a problem in the sprite cache
} in certain versions of the OS, since if I understand correctly,
} sprites are internally converted to native (or whatever standard is
} used for the cache) then displayed in the current display type. If
} this is correct, there would be nothing I could do about Easyptr
} sprites.

You're correct about the cache, but there is more than one workaround:
 - the cache is restricted to one blob, one pattern and one sprite.
   (even if I do not yet understand its source and I'm wondering about
   a possible error with the blob caching, especially on my Q40 with my compilation
   of SMSQ/E 2y99, but that's another story ...)
   If you have to update a dynamic sprite/blob/pattern, just do like the 
   sprted code, use two of them alternatively (first get cached but you then use
   the second which get in the cache [pushing the first out] and then
   you revert back to first.
 - Or you can use the 'timer' information : if it does not match, the
  cache is updated! 

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