In a message dated 03/12/02 05:41:14 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If what you want to achieve is something like the little help windows
in FiFi, this was done as follows:

The user can determine the time the pointer should hover over the
loose item before the help window pops up. Say it is 1 second.
I read the pointer witt a very short timeout (2/50th sec) and then,
when coming back, check whether the current item is still the
same. If it is, I loop around until 1 s has elapsed (25 times in this
case) and, if it is still the same LI, I open the help window. Else, I
note the new current item number and do it again.

I have successfully produced my own explanation windows now by WM.RPTRT on your advice. However, I look to see where the pointer is on a timeout (comparing the pointer position with each of the hit areas of the loose items). If it is a loose item I set its own window. If not I do nothing.

Probably there is an easier way of dong this too!


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