> > Just to be masochistic, I copied the old version 1 Psion Quill,
> > Abacus, Archive, Easel set and tried running them. They did run OK
> > the 128K QL (well, "run OK" is perhaps stretching it a bit for
> > old V1 programs!). If anyone wants copies for posterity...surely
> Why not...just to add to my collection [of old 'puters].  Put them
on your
> web site?
Done, Robert.

They are on http://homepages.tesco.net/dilwyn.jones/psions/psions.html

The Abacus cartridge had a couple of duff sectors on it. Apart from
that, they are just zipped up copies of the original MDV versions -
just unzip them and copy them to MDV for a bit of 1984 nostalgia.

Dilwyn Jones

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