On  Fri, 14 Feb 2003 at 18:30:08, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: <004301c2d459$665c5460$1129ff3e@blackpc>)

>Just what is this? Does it work even for plain text emails?
I have to reply to this (Phoebus will understand (8-)#  )

Yes if the mailer is written well - Outback is not!

Someone has defined a standard to avoid splitting:


Phoebus (and others) doubted this, but I was right (for a change)

If your software allows you to extend the RH margin, and send
unformatted, then that might work.
Some people send like that routinely without even trying (8-)#
>Forgot? I've never even heard of this to prevent Lookout Excess
>splitting addresses!
You must have been on holiday some while back.  There was a very long
thread on this very subject!
> Until recently, I assumed that as it was capable
>of automatically showing it as an underlined address, even when sent
>as a plain text email (which I always do to this list except when
>replying to AOLisms and Phoebusisms which f*** it up - 'foul' in case
>anyone wondered), it would be intelligent enough not to break the line
>later, obviously expecting too much here.
Yep.  Outback simply does not recognise this.
However even if Outback splits line, my software (and loads of others I
expect) are clever enough to reassemble and correctly underline
everything.  I have even had four line URLs correctly linked.
Without this one has to copy to a text editor and re-assemble.
>Not everyone and everything
>is as clever as Marcel (founder member of Marcel Kilgus Software

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