
since about mid of August  Wolfgang has collected  a wealth of informat-
ion, tips, tricks regarding QMapShack  and put it into the various "Doc-
Faq*.md" files.

But is the FAQ the right place for ANY kind of information?   I mean, we
could put everything into the FAQ: how to download QMapShack, how to in-
stall it, how to report a bug, how to write documentation.   But I don't
think that's what a FAQ is made for.  The four topics mentioned just ab-
ove clearly should go  into the regular documentation,  and in fact they
do, as far as the QMapShack documentation is concerned.

To explain more precisely what I'm up to let's take file "DocFaqHandling
.md" as an example:  the various tricks to find distances between points
probably belong in the FAQ (even though I think QMapShack should provide
an easy to use  tool to measure  the distance between  two points rather
than requiring creation, projection, and deletion of a waypoint) whereas
information about selecting a range within a track should -- in my opin-
ion -- be contained in file "",  where most users most
probably would expect it anyway.

And keeping this information in one place would also save us from having
to more or less duplicate plenty of screen shots  (which sooner or later
have to be updated).

What do others think?


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