QMapTool seems to build and work fine under Cygwin X Windows under
Windows, BUT I have to apply the following patch:

*** ./QMapTool/src/setup/IAppSetup.cpp.orig     2017-11-05
12:49:11.409265300 -0700
--- ./QMapTool/src/setup/IAppSetup.cpp  2017-11-05 16:11:26.031066800 -0700
*** 53,59 ****
  #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
      new CAppSetupMac(parent);
! #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
||defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__GNU__)
      new CAppSetupLinux(parent);
  #elif defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
      new CAppSetupWin(parent);
--- 53,59 ----
  #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
      new CAppSetupMac(parent);
! #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) ||
defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(Q_OS_CYGWIN)
      new CAppSetupLinux(parent);
  #elif defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
      new CAppSetupWin(parent);

I would have sent this patch as an attachment, but I doubt that
would work on a list like this.  This is easy enough to do by
hand though, it's only defined(Q_OS_CYGWIN) added to one line in
IAppSetup.cpp. Perhaps this could be included in the distribution
and one wouldn't need to modify it for cygwin.

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