On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Russell Steffen wrote:
> Is there any way to set set qmail up so that it will accept all mail for
> somedomain.com, deliver mail for local accounts and then forward all the
> rest of the mail to another server?
Maybe you could start by having a /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default-file which
will forward all unknown users to your Exchange-Server. Don't have the
syntax, but fiddle around condredirect. 
> The basic problem is that I don't want to move everybody (~300 accounts)
> at once, because I am the only admin & tech support person, and I value my
> sanity. 
So, why don't you just create a text-file and make this a batch-job. If you
setup a .qmail and Mailbox-file in your /etc/skel I guess this would be a
job of half an hour, assuming you have the text-file.
> What I wanted to do was set up a qmail box to act as a relay and
> just queue all incoming mail and forward it to the Exchange server. 
Maybe by putting
somedomain.com into rcpthosts,
somedomain.com:exchange-server.somedomain.com into smtproutes and
having the Exchange-Server as main-MX-entry in your DNS.
> Then
> as I start transitioning users and creating Unix accounts for them, their
> mail would then start to be delivered locally (and the rest would continue
> to be relayed). Then, when the last of the accounts are moved over, I can
> than stop the relay and decommision the Exchange server.
My advice would be not to mix. Just smtproute your mails to exchange until
you have set up all accounts on the unix-box.

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