On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 03:35:08AM -0000, D. J. Bernstein wrote:
> > Connected to but my name was rejected./Remote host said: 501
> > HELO requires a valid host name as operand: 'web1.cheetahmail.com' rejected
> > from www.cheetahmail.com remote address []: Host name does not
> > match remote address.
> That server is violating RFC 1123, section 5.2.5. You can easily work
> around the problem by putting www.cheetahmail.com into control/helohost.
> (I'm considering changing the default HELO in qmail-remote in qmail 2.0
> to use the bracketed IP address of the client.)

How much of a standard is that?

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,    |                              Peter van Dijk |
     I broke his neck'   |                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognikz - As the sun  |        Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/#linux.nl |
                         | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

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