DISCLAIMER: Please forgive me if these are totally pathetic question.
Believe it or not, I have read through the docs, and still haven't figured
things out.

First Question: I've set up qmail to run in Maildir mode. All of my users
now have their pretty little ~/Maildir/ set up. Right now I've got pine
aliased to pinq so that everything will work. I notice that when a user
starts pine, it automatically creates a Mailbox instead of using the
Maildir. Does maildir2mbox do this automatically, or do I have something
set up wrong?

Second Question: I can't seem to send mail to root. Every time I try, a
message ends up in the logs stating:
delivery x: deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)
I think I have all my permissions set correctly. What could be the
problem? Also, I get the same error message when I send mail to a certain
user, but it waits a second and delivers the mail to that user anyway.

Third Question: While looking through the FAQ, I've noticed a lot of mailer
bashing. Under the questions "How to I get x mailer to work with qmail?"
there always seems to be some mention of how that mailer is insecure,
unreliable, and basically worthless. Yet, I don't see any mention of what
one is supposed to use instead. What is the preferred MUA for DJ Bernstein
dittoheads? Is there a mailer with native Maildir support?

Fourth Question: Last question I promise. While looking through the docs,
I've seen lots of recommendations to switch over to various programs,
programs to replace things such as syslog and inet. I've noticed that all
of these replacement programs seem to be in the beta stage. How reliable
are they currently? I'm a bit wary of using beta software to replace
something as important as my syslog and inet! I just wanted to ask before
I try.

Thanks for putting up with all my lame questions.

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