>It looks like there is a bug in MS Outlook, where it is having trouble
>displaying emails with certain header information. True enough, Microsoft is
>evil incarnate but it does read 99.99% of email fairly well. I checked and
>the Netscape client on my LINUX box reads the same emails just fine.
>The emails Outlook is having trouble with have all been sent to this list.
>All of the emails sent from Chris Garrigues and one email from Mark Drummond
>(the one titled Re: qmail + Maildir + Procmail) have this problem.
If it's any help: the emails you referred to seem to have been
pgp-signed - I'm using a beta of Eudora 4.2 on a mac and have
installed the latest Freeware international PGP (6.02i), but, and I
suspect this is important, I've not configured PGP at all (no keyring
or anything). What I get is an attachment with a PGP icon -
double-clicking it gets me
"The PGP plugin could not find your keyring files. Please set up your
keyring files using PGPtools."
Hope that helps
Who's obviously going to have to set up his keyring...
John O'Shea <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wordbank Ltd, 9 Orange St, London WC2H 7EA
T:+44 171 766 7200 F:+44 171 766 7222