At 1:05 pm -0700 2/9/99,the wonderful Kai MacTane wrote:
>I'd like to set up a CGI script that allows certain users to modify certain
>aliases from a Web form. This would include creating and deleting a few,
>which would require write access to the alias directory.
>Looking at the permissions on that directory, I see they're "drwxr-sr-x",
>which leads me to wonder: Does anyone know if qmail would have a problem
>with changing those permissions?

I have a little system where by people can add entries to a mysql 
database, with passwords and stuff. every 15 mins, a root crond job 
comes along, rebuilds virtualdomains, rcpthosts and /etc/aliases and 
reloads qmail, and thus, users change their forwarding settings.

(using the fastforward package of course)

as long as your cgi does enough syntax checking, your /etc/aliases 
shouldn't get broken.


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