"Tyler J. Frederick" wrote:
Looks like a possible bug.
Check your version of qmailadmin. It should not be touching this file
unless you are setting something to be the default delivery user.


> Hi
> Over the past couple weeks, the .qmail-default file for one of my virtual
> domains has gotten changed on it's own making mail delivery not go
> through. (As the reference to the vdeliver program was removed).  Here's
> what the file SHOULD say
> | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> However, I noticed email wasn't going through, and I checked it and it
> said
> | /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/alex
> Well, there's no bin called 'alex' in the bin dir, but this domain does
> have a user called alex.  Also, I noticed this happened right after I
> added an alias via qmailadmin. Any thoughts?  Anyone seen this kind of
> thing before?
> - T
> ---
> Tyler J. Frederick
> Senior Systems Engineer
> fc.com, Inc.

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