Hi all.  Parts of this have been discussed elsewhere, but I haven't
seen anybody describing quite this setup.  I'm reconfiguring a network
to have a dedicated firewall machine, on which I want to run qmail.
But, I don't want the firewall machine reaching in to the rest of the
network to do delivery; I want it to turn around and forward any
incoming mail to the "real" mail server on the internal network.  I'd
also like the reverse path for outgoing mail; the internal mail server
forwards to the one on the firewall, which takes care of getting it
out into the rest of the net.

  ---+      +----------+         +-----------+
     |      | Firewall |         | Internal  |
  Net|----->|          |-------->|  Server   |
     |      | Qmail    |         |   Qmail   |
     |<-----|          |<--------|           |
  ---+      +----------+         +-----------+

If anyone can shed light on how to set this up, or point me at some
docs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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