> I'll need to look into the bounce parsing standard to ensure 
> compatibility. The default messages can be confusing to
> newbie e-mail users, and changing them would reduce the tech
> support calls I receive here.

        If you're going to change them, may I suggest trying to change the
source in such a way that the configurable parts of the messages are
confined to a set of #defines, so that others may more easily plug them in
without conflicting with the standard.  (I say this without having glanced
at the standard, so take this comment for what it is worth).

        The problem you are having is not the default messages - it is
newbie email users.  I am consistently amazed how many people have trouble
getting their own email address correct, much less analyzing bounce messages
of ANY format.

        I have yet to find a good patch for this problem.

        gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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