>From your address I can see that you aren't in the US or Canada, and despite
the recent changes in encryption law, I don't think I could send this to

But besides just that, you haven't specified what OS or version you're
using.  You'll also need the library that contains those crypt functions,
not just the header file.  This is also probably not legal to distribute,
inside or outside the US.

Finally, this message is pretty clearly off-topic unless you're trying to do
something with crypt and qmail, and you haven't said what you're trying to
do exactly.

Judd Bourgeois        |   CNM Network      +1 (805) 520-7170
Software Architect    |   1900 Los Angeles Avenue, 2nd Floor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Simi Valley, CA 93065

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ari Arantes Filho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri 17 Dec 1999 14.17
Subject: off-topic: include file des.h

> Hi,
> I'm trying to work with a crypt system and the program is asking for
> des.h.
> Can anyone send this file to me?
> Best regards,
> Ari

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