Bob Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>But not always.  My ISP (which shall remain nameless -- ;-) bounced an
>email I sent myself from work after trying to deliver it for less than
>an hour.  To add insult to injury, the only reason they couldn't deliver
>it was because of their own internal outage -- an outage that lasted
>five hours.  So I am considering an alternate MX myself.  (Yes, I know;
>a better solution would be to get another ISP.)

Another solution is to run your own mailhub pointed to by your own
domain name. E.g., I use, which points to my old 60
MHz Pentium running qmail. I don't use my ISP's mailhub at all. As an
added benefit, I get to manage the namespace,
including full use of qmail's extension addresses, and an unlimited
number of mailboxes.


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