Hi everybody,

I installed qmail (v. 1.03 running on Solaris 2.6 for x86 - JUST !
(without any patches)) with tcpwrapper ucspi-0.88 and multilog from
daemontools package (v. 0.70) all them compiled with gcc 2.95.2 running
in 4 machines PIII - 500Mhz with 256mb RAM. In my DNS I have
smtp.ig.com.br pointing to IPs addresses of that four machines trying to
make some kind of load balance (Probably soon I will replace this by
IPVS or something like that (Altheon, etc). The total amount of messages
that are sent through those machines are aprox. 1.5 million by day (!) .
I have set
remote and local concurrency to 255 (and I change the limit in
conf-spawn to 255 and recompiled qmail after that). My tcpwrapper is
configured to 400 simultaneous smtp connections (per machine). The
remote and localconcurrency stay between 30-150 connections so, I think
that 255 limit isn't problem by now (Maybe in future I will need to
install the patch to concurrency above 400). Memory and wait I/O isn't
the problem.

The number of file descriptors are ok (2048) now (Now I don't receive
messages tell me that was not possible to open a pipe (or something like

The problem is the fact that  I'm having too much defunct process.
Usually I have between 350-500 process running by machine. From that,
normally I have between 90-120 defunct process per machine.

Anybody have ANY idea about what can be causing this ? Is there any
patch to correct this problem, in case of this  be a well know problem
for my plataform ?

PS. multilog and tcpwrapper are in PATH and this problem NOT started
after I reboot my machines ;-)

Any help will be very appreciated .....

Thanks in advance...

Claudio Cuqui
System Analyst
Internet Group do Brasil

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