Hi Mark,

They stay running forever and the parent process is qmail-queue. Now I
have 162 defunct process.

Today I will try to alter rlim_fd_cur to 64  (the number of file
descriptors - Today the value is 1024. 64 was the original value) and keep
the rlim_fd_max to 2048, like it is today and I will reboot the machines.
I read somewhere that isn't a good idea change the default current limit
of file descriptors like I did. They suggest only change the max number of
file descriptor. Well, is just a guess, but I think that won't cause any
damage to try ;-)

Thanks for your attention !


> > The problem is the fact that  I'm having too much defunct process.
> > Usually I have between 350-500 process running by machine. From that,
> > normally I have between 90-120 defunct process per machine.
> Do they stay forever, or do they go away?
> Which qmail process is the parent?
> I have seen Solaris 2.x systems where processes do stay around forever,
> but I have not seen in on, eg, FreeBSD.
> Regards.

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