> I found this in the qmail-FAQ, Question 5.3: how do i set up qmail-pop3d.
> So there is a problem with my startup script ?

Definitely. You will not be able to get mails by POP3 for virtual

> created and i can log on the virtual pop account using sqwebmail.
That would surprise me. Are you sure?

> I think that there is problem with qmail giving the mail to vpopmail. Is it
> possible that
> my mistake in the startup script is responsible? If, what would be the
> correct startup
> command ?

The startup command for qmail is the same with and without using vpopmail
(Maildir delivery assumed).
What has to be different is the start of qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d because
the checkpassword is replaced.

I think your problem is either in virtualdomains or users/assign or simply
a missing restart of qmail.
Please post that files for further assistance.
Still this would better go to the vpopmail list.

Regards, Frank

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