>> Never has the policies of ORBS have ANYTHING directly to do with SPAM,
>> it is an validated Open Relay database which for obvious reason also
>> contains those who deny/decive ORBS testing by blocking it.
> In other words, it's a good place to go to find open relays,
> in order to abuse them.

Put in the worst possible way, you may say that...

However in a more realistic and positiv way you can say that
this informs the administrators of a SERIOUS problem,
and allows them to fix this before they are abused by spammers.
At the same time it gives those using the ORBS service for protection
a means of stopping spam or other abuse through these Open Relays.

Open Relay servers was never a "problem" to find before ORBS anyway,
can't see any evidence that this has increased by ORBS policy.
I don't think spammers will value using servers that probably will
be blocked somewhere contrary to servers which aren't in ORBS or RSS,
and both these lists offer info on possible Open Relay servers
infact RSS lists them after day 1 while ORBS wait 30 days.

> Also, it's NOT a good listing to use to block sources of spam,
> since it lists many hosts which have never sourced spam.

As far as I'm concerned and according to experiences by users of ORBS,
MAPS hardly blocks any SPAM at all, while ORBS block 70-90% of all
the SPAM they ever get.

While MAPS chase the spammers in a Tom & Jerry like manner,
ORBS stops SPAM at it's very first attempt or the server
is closed before they've ever made the attempt.

Regards André Paulsberg

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