> But when the system doesn't relay and has never relayed, constantly *retesting*
> it and dumping that mail in the postmaster's mailbox seems wrong.
> Sure, it's not that much spam,  but when you have a number of hosts
> with mail setups like that, it starts slowly adding up.
> And of course, their answer to it is to just press delete.

I totaly agree, hosts tested and found secure should not be tested repeatedly.

They should be left in a database over tested secured and not be tested until
certain conditions arise, these conditions should be publicly know and debated
to insure a fair treatment of those mail administrators.

I've seen many complains about such behaviour,
but it's never been backed up by any "evidence".
I've never experienced this myself either,
but if anyone has please let me know all about it.

Regards André Paulsberg

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