smtproutes would probably do the trick.

man qmail-remote


| Gavin Cameron                      |          ITworks Consulting         |
| Ph    : +61 3 9642 5477            |       Level 8, 488 Bourke Street    |
| Fax   : +61 3 9642 5499            |         Melbourne,  Victoria        |
| Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |           Australia,  3000          |

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Wilson Fletcher wrote:

> I have 2 mail servers. One will be the MX for two domains (as far as the
> rest of the world is concerned).
> When mail for domain arrives I want it to be sent to
> the mail server that is located in our other building.
> I've currently got it set up according to 7.4 in the FAQ BUT that means I
> have to create a tonne of aliases on my mailhost gateway for each user on
> the other server.
> I would rather that receive ALL mail for both
> domains and and then forward ALL
> mail to the other server which would then deliver it
> locally without the need to setup any aliases.
> Is there a way of setting this up ?
> TIA,
> Wilson

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