On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Clemens Hermann wrote:

| Now I need to choose one of the two tools but I am not sure which would be
| the better choice for my purpose. It would be great if someone could give me
| a hint, I need the following things:
| virtual users

We do this currently, with vmailmgr.

| databases for users and aliases

We do not do this currently with vmailmgr, altho it should be possible.

| pop access

We do this currently with vmailmgr.

| imap access

We do this currently with vmailmgr, and courier-imap -- which is written
by Mr. Sam i believe. (inter7 guy)

| quota support

vmailmgr has support for quota built in, altho i dont use it.

| html-mail-administration

vmailmgr has this with oliver mueller(???)'s Omail.

| webmail

We use TWiG in conjunction with courier-imap and vmailmgr. Tho, many other
combinations work flawlessly as well.

| I did not see webmail in the vmailmgr package, does sqwebmail run with the
| vmailmgr without problems?
| Thanks in advance for any advice which of the two I should use
| Clemens

Please note, i have no experience with the inter7 virtual package.... So
it might be awesome. We've been using vmailmgrd and havent had a single
problem in 2+ years, so we havent bothered to look at anything else. If it
aint broke, dont fix it.

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