I have this problem I dont even know how to start solving...

There is this mail server for a company that is online most of the time
(18-20 hours a day), but it can happen, that the server goes offline for
some period (dont ask, I tried, but they dont want to change it!).
Ok, I thought, so I put that server as the primary MX, and put another as a
lower priority MX...

As far as I understand this, any mail server that want to send mail to the
primary MX will do so, if that server is available. If not, it will use a
lower priority one.... Correct?
Ok, but how do I get the lower priority mail server to send mail to the
primary one when he comes online? My guess is that something like smptget*
(whatever) is not really a sollution...

Thanks in advance, Goran

egrave - Slovenskih fantov elektronski grob

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