HELP!  Here is my situation:

    Mail coming in from external STMP checks fine, and ends up in the
correct users ./Maildir/.  However, when those users check their e-mail via
POP-3 are told they do not exist, and therefore are not able to pickup mail.

    I have one user exempt to this, but not on purpose.  A previous user set
up in the system seems to be able to read e-mails from his home ./Maildir/
rather than the vmailmgr user ./Maildir/.  I know what your going to say,
but mail is not sent to his home Maildir, it is sent to the alternate within
vmailmgr settings.  Well you got that one right.  So in fact that is the
only user that can log in, but has not a single piece of mail to where qmail
is getting is mail from.

    Basically when an external user attempts to connect to POP3 they are
told they don't exist, because qmail-pop3d is not looking in the correct
area when they get handled by 'checkvpw'. (my guess)  so, how do I change
it?  Anyway, no user is loosing mail, as it is all getting saved in the
right area.

My current setup is running the most current release versions of


If anyone comes up with a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated!
And if anyone needs further information I would be happy to provide.



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