check out tai64nlocal.  it comes with daemontools.
might help.


On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Alex Kramarov wrote:

> Hi. I have been happily running qmail now for some time, till now,
> then I have decided to try qmailmrtg 
> (i also happily run mrtg for some time, to monitor my router). 
> As I see, qmailmrtg requires that qmail logging will be done with multilog, (till 
>now I use syslog, although it's supposed to be slow which is not my primary concern).
> I successfully ran multilog, but now I have a problem with it's timestamps - its 
>some TAI format which is pretty hard to decipher when you want to fond a log of what 
>happened say half an hour ago.
> is there an easy way to display multilog log with "normal" (syslog-like) timestamps 
>(display-not write it in this format, because qmailmrtg need it in TAI)..
> Thanks.

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