Hello qmailers  :-)

Let's just leave it as it is and if you want to call them something, then

qmail non-standard extensions.

I'm sure Dan is concerned that these extensions can introduce security
concerns, not because of your programming, but the environments they will
be working in/with.
Perhap's he feels this could reflect on qmail's good name, or the multitude
of associated doc's can confuse and fragment, something he is keenly aware
That's why (ideally) he wants everything installed in exactly the same
locations no matter what Un*x version it's installed on.

What caused this rumpus anyway ?



2 Watch. How if a' will not stand?
Dogb. Why, then, take no note of him, but let him go; and presently
call the rest of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of
a knave.
 -- William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Much Ado about Nothing
 -- Act iii, Sc. 3

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