Moin Felix!
Das selbe habe ich auch gedacht.

I think you hit the head on the nail - since writing the email - in which I
realized how many mistakes I made (i.e. dist vs. *nix flavor, shell, etc) in
explaining my question - I have tried out two more linux dists and didn't
like them for a number of reasons.  I haven't been able to get ahold of
Slackware yet because of interruptions in downloading the software.  I also
am going to take a different approach to this DNS/mail box.  DNS will go on
another box and mail on its own.  Anyway, I think I'm making some progress.
The problem I have with RH is that they customize certain things - which I
don't think is inherently bad - but make it difficult to follow howto's or
guidelines like LWQ - because things don't *necessarily* work like you would
expect.  I fooled around with FreeBSD a bit, but also had issues.  (I think
because of my lack of knowledge...)  So, I'm getting somewhere, but not
where I want to be at this point.  Anyway, I'll keep trying.

Thanks for all the advice,

-----Original Message-----
From: Felix von Leitner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 4:26 PM
To: SF
Subject: Re: Newbie: Which Dist Linux, Best?

Thus spake SF ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I've been working for about 4 weeks now at setting up qmail on my RH 7.0
> box.  I'm somewhat new to linux (my real sys admin background is in WinNT,
> etc. - but I lost the desire to deal with their licensing schemes...) and
> I've given up on the RH dist for a number of reasons including the issues
> have had with setting up qmail - dealing with xinitd vs. more typical
> scripts and other things I don't understand enough.

If you have to ask, don't use Linux.
The correct way is to try each one until you are fed up with it.

If one does not bother you, stick with it.


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