On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 11:09:17PM -0500, Phil Barnett wrote:
>First off, trying to use a .0 release of any Redhat release is,at the 
>very least, foolish.

Are you saying that RedHat 7.0 is worse than RedHat 6.1?  If so, you
either haven't used RedHat 7.0, or haven't used RedHat 6.1...  We have
a RedHat-based release (KRUD -- http://www.tummy.com/krud/) and it was
on the order of 6 months before 6.1+errata was up to a quality where
we started basing our distro on it.  With 7.0, it was the month after
it was released.  No matter what the press is saying about it...

I find that most people who are bad-mouthing 7.0 have never even used

What distribution is the best for a newbie?  I certainly wouldn't wave
you off RedHat 7.0.  My recommendation is that you use the distribution
that most of your friends or most of the experienced people in your local
LUG use.  You *WILL* need help, better to not have any reason for your
friends not to help you.

 We have just gotten a wake-up call from the Nintendo Generation.
                 -- _Hackers_
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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