Charles Cazabon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Paco Gracia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have to send a daily newsletter to 60.000 e-mail addresses that are stored
>> in a MySQL database. The newsletter is the same for everybody and the process
>> of composing and sending it will be started from a PHP web app.
>Sounds good so far.
>> 1- Should I use mail() function from PHP, invoke qmail directly or create a
>> mailing list with ezmlm?
>ezmlm is a particularly nice way to go, because of its completely automatic
>bounce handling.

But since the list is dynamically extracted from a database, he'd need
to do something to propagate the bounce-generated unsubs back into the

>> 3- What side effects have to set concurrencyremote to high values like 300?

If you have a lot of recipients on a single poorly managed server, you
could flood that server by opening more connections to it than it can
handle. I've never seen that happen on my list server (with
concurrencyremote=500), but the possibility exists.

>> 5- Could I set up a second qmail instalation for just sending the newsletter
>> so it doesn't slow the "normal users" mail?
>Yes, you could.  It will still have some effect, though, because they will
>be sharing I/O bandwidth on the queue and log disks, and on the network.

The advantage to a separate installation for the bulk mail is that
it'll allow normal mail to flow fairly normally while sending the bulk
mail. With a single installation, no normal mail will flow until the
first pass at the bulk delivery finishes because the queue is strictly


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