On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 03:33:17PM -0800, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
> Quoting Todd A. Jacobs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > When running pop3d, I get an error saying "no $HOME/Maildir" which may be
> > caused by the directory permissions of 0700 on both the home directory and
> > Maildir.
> qmail-pop3d is run as root by tcpserver, which is running as root.  No
> suid bit is needed.  qmail-pop3d switches to the userid of the user
> whose mail it is retrieving.

Nope. checkpassword does the switch, qmail-pop3d runs as whatever user
it inherits.

> So, you'll need to start believing that message--qmail-pop3d can't
> find the user's Maildir.

Wise words indeed.

> Your tcpserver's command line may be goofed up.  Should look
> something like:

Also check:

1.      Does the user have a $HOME/Maildir
2.      Does the user have access to this dir (could be owned by root)


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