On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 06:55:59AM -0600, Roger Walker wrote:
> On 18 May 2001, Mark Delany wrote:
> > So you are saying that you've checked the qmail-send logs and there is
> > no injection that matches the headers of the bounce? Are you sure?
> >
> > If you found a match, then the uid trail will tell you who did it.
>       The log portion I supplied is indicative of all of the stuff
> related to the aol mail. The PID associated with those messages was not
> there when I became aware of what was happening, so I can't definitively
> trace it.


And, er, qmail-send (with UID) and (tcpserver with PID)
unconditionally log their UID and PID, so what exactly do you mean by
"was not there"?

But, AOL doesn't help matters as their bounces don't return any
original header information, blah.


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